Buying Privately
This option is normally cheaper than buying from a dealer, however it is also carries more risks.
You have fewer legal rights if you buy privately. The car must be ‘as described’ but that’s all.
If a private seller lies about the condition of a car, you can sue for your losses - if you can find the
seller. Bear in mind that cars which have been stolen or used as security for a loan or hire agreement and actually belong to the finance company, cannot be ‘sold’ any other way.Some dealers pretend to be private sellers to avoid their legal obligations and to get rid of faulty
or over priced cars. They may advertise in local newspapers and shop windows.
Signs to look out for include:
- Adverts which give a mobile phone number or specify a time to call.
- The same phone number appearing in several ads.
- A seller asking 'which one? when you call about the ‘car for sale’.
- A seller wanting to bring the car to you or meet you somewhere, rather than you going to
- their home.
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